10 key protection principles for dealing with ticks

5.5.2023, 28 235 přečtení, 6 komentář Precaution Outdoor

The easiest way to avoid infection by pathogens carried by ticks is to avoid tick bites. Here are the main principles of protection.

  1. While spending time in nature, wear appropriate clothing - firm shoes, long trousers with an elastic bottom that can be secured on top of ankle shoes or tucked under socks. Tick can move less easily on smooth surfaces, and they can be spotted better on light clothing. Protective sleeves can be a great aid and can also be used for winter sports.
  2. Use a repellent. Repellents with a high DEET content, suitable for long and frequent trips into nature (fishers, hunters, outdoor sports), as well as repellents with a low or no DEET content, suitable for sensitive skin and children, are available. Repellents containing the effective compound permethrin are applied solely on clothing. Do not use these directly on the skin. The treated clothing should be left to dry before putting it on. Permethrin is toxic for cats, and thus any contact of cats with the treated clothing should be avoided.
  3. Carry a practical traveller's kit for tick removal with you on trips - you can order it here.
  4. Avoid moving in dense shrubs of mixed forests.
  5. Avoid tick bites on your pets by using products intended for animals.
  6. Use an appropriate repellent for your pet's kennel.
  7. After returning from a walk with your dog, always brush out his fur.
  8. Create a defensive zone against ticks around your garden - see garden protection.
  9. Remove your outer garments before entering the house and dust off properly or brush out. It is also possible to put them in the dryer for at least 15 minutes.
  10. Upon returning home, check you body thoroughly and ask another person to check your back and other areas that you can not check yourself. 

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