Incidence of infected ticks in individual years

27.2.2025, 8 858 přečtení, 1 komentář Occurrence of infected ticks News

The following graphs display the incidence of ticks infected by monitored pathogens during individual years, and the mean infectivity values over the entire analysis period.

This is an overview of tick infectivity analysis results, obatined by the team of Dr. Burýšková in the years 2006-2024. All tested ticks were removed from human skin on the whole territory of Czech Republic.

Ticks carrying Borrelia

graph borrelia in ticks

Ticks carrying Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV)

graph TBEV in ticks

Ticks carrying Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia)

graph ehrlichia in ticks

Ticks carrying Babesia

graph babesia in ticks


Ticks carrying Bartonella

graph bartonella in ticks


Ticks carrying Francisella tularensis



Ticks carrying Candidatus Neoehrlichia Mikurensis

graf neoehrlichia


Maps of infected tick incidence in the Czech Republic

Mapa pozitivních klíš?at na borelie

Incidence of infected ticks in individual regions

Grafy kraje

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