Maps of infected tick incidence in the Czech Republic

28.2.2025, 113 745 přečtení, 194 komentář News Occurrence of infected ticks

Overview of tick samples analyzed by the team of Dr. Burýšková in the years 2006-2024. The maps depict percentages of ticks tested positive for borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis and ehrlichiosis in Protean s.r.o. laboratory.

The data represent an overview of parasite analyses. The parasites (ticks) were analyzed after removal form human skin and originate from all over the Czech Republic. The geographical distribution of samples is thus very random and the results cannot be directly compared to results published in peer-reviewed literature, which analyze samples from specific locations. The results also cannot be compared to data describing the occurence of reported diseases where the number of people is influenced by the location popularity - for example touristic spots around rivers and water reservoirs. Due to low amounts of samples from certain locations, the data are not a statistical analysis. The absence of positive samples from a location does not indicate the absence of the parasite in that location. It is possible that no tick from the particular area has been analyzed so far.

Ticks carrying borrelia

map borreliosis

Ticks carrying tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV)

tick encephalitis map

Ticks carrying Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia)

ehrlichiosis map

 Other diseases

Due to the very low numbers of ticks tested for other pathogens, the percentual representation of infected ticks in the individual districts would be misleading and therefore the data are not yet included.

The incidence of infected ticks in individual years is shown in graphs

Výskyt infikovaných klíš?at v jednotlivých letech

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Protean s.r.o.
Dolní 2102/2 (Státní veterinání ústav)
370 04 České Budějovice
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