Prevalence of pathogens in ticks

The following chart depicts the percentage of ticks carrying pathogens that cause infectious diseases in humans.

Here you can see an overview of the results of more than 19 000 ticks analyzed by the team of Dr. Burýšková in Protean s.r.o. laboratory. All ticks were removed from human skin throughout the Czech Republic. 

infected ticks

28% of the ticks are carriers of an infectious disease. Every twelfth tick positive for borrelia is at the same time a carrier for one more pathogen.

pathogens in ticks

A tick can be a carrier of more than one infectious disease. More information about the risk of coinfection can be found here.


Maps of infected tick incidence in the Czech Republic


Mapa pozitivních klíš?at na borelie


Incidence of infected ticks in individual regions


Grafy kraje

The incidence of infected ticks in individual years is shown in graphs

Výskyt infikovaných klíš?at v jednotlivých letech

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