The head of our laboratory as a guest on the show "Sama doma" ("Alone at Home")

16.3.2018, 2 415 přečtení, 0 komentář Media Tick removal

The head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Sama doma" streaming on Czech television.

Show "Sama doma"

Pořad Sama doma

The discussion was focused on common complications related to tick bites and the possibility of tick infectivity testing. How to use the tick-card for the correct removal of an attached tick was also demonstrated. The show aired on Wednesday, 3rd June 2009, at 12:30 on Czech television (ČT1). The record can be watched via ČT1 internet broadcasting.

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