Treatment of Lyme disease

6.11.2018, 24 260 přečtení, 13 komentář Lyme disease Disease Therapy

The most important thing for efficient treatment of Lyme disease is early administration of of effective antibiotics. Currently there are plenty of antimicrobial preparations, but most of them is not suitable for treatment of Lyme disease. Therefore the most impormant is fast and precise diagnosis of Lyme disease from sucking tick instead od waitng for first symptoms of disease.


Base of treatment is administration of targeted antibiotics. The most used antibiotics are doxycycline, azithromycin, and cefalosporins. It is important to take into consideration form of Lyme disease and stadium of disease when choosing antibiotics. For neurological form, it is necessary to choose antibiotics that do not get into cerebrospinal fluid. For serious forms, injection treatment is administrated. Generally, it is recommended take antibiotics 14 days within first stadium, 21 days within second stadium, and 28 days within third stadium. The tick can screened for Lyme disease within our laboratory if it is infected. As long as the result is positive, it is possible to start treatment and prevent complications.

Lyme disease in surgery of general practitioner

Read nice article by MUDr. Rohácová: Lyme disease in surgery of general practitioner from the perspective if infectologist. The article provides practical information about epidemiology and treatment of Lyme disease.


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