In addition to known Borrelia pathogens causing Lyme disease, the tick Ixodes ricinus also transmits Borrelia miyamotoi, which causes a relapsing fever-like disease. This disease is not detected by blood testing for Lyme disease. We now offer... Více >
24.2.2023, 0 komentářs Borrelia miyamotoi disease Lyme disease News About ticksWe have prepared an analysis package for people with impaired immunity - patients with various degrees of immunological deficiency, autoimmune diseases, hematopoietic disorders, oncological patients, patients without the spleen or during transplantation... Více >
18.4.2019, 0 komentářs News Neoehrlichiosis DiseaseNew findings on babesiosis show, that nowadays this disease is overlooked and its incidence and severity are higher than formerly believed. Více >
18.4.2019, 0 komentářs Lyme disease Babesiosis NewsThe following chart depicts the percentage of ticks carrying pathogens that cause infectious diseases in humans. Více >
27.2.2025, 0 komentářs Tick encephalitis News Occurrence of infected ticksTreatment of borreliosis is often complicated by a concurrent infection caused by the presence of a further pathogen. Více >
28.2.2025, 4 komentářs News Occurrence of infected ticksTicks for analysis can now be handed to us at a collection site in Prague. Více >
5.5.2023, 0 komentářs Tick removal Precaution News Disease