Natural tick repellents

The use of chemical products applied directly on the skin is not ideal and thus people are more and more interested in finding natural substitutions. Recipes for natural insect and tick repellents stem from the experience of their users. Více >

5.5.2023, 7 komentářs Outdoor Precaution
10 key protection principles for dealing with ticks

The easiest way to avoid infection by pathogens carried by ticks is to avoid tick bites. Here are the main principles of protection. Více >

5.5.2023, 6 komentářs Precaution Outdoor
Traveller's kit for tick removal

We have prepared a practical kit for you that contains everything you need to remove ticks and disinfect wounds, and it can fit into any pocket or bicycle bag, so you have it at hand on your trip to nature. Více >

28.4.2018, 0 komentářs Precaution Outdoor Tick removal
How does the tick search for host?

Stories about ticks leaping on their victims from trees are absolutely misleading. In fact it is very opposite. Ticks are very patient and wait for their host lying in grass. For search, they use higly sensitive senses. Více >

6.11.2018, 4 komentářs Outdoor About ticks

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