An Overview of the treatment of tick-borne diseases

Based on frequent questions from both laymen and experts, we have prepared a brief overview of recommended antibiotic treatment plans for individual tick-borne diseases. Více >

18.4.2019, 0 komentářs News Therapy For physicians
New trends in treatment of Lyme disease

The first symptoms of Lyme disease (erythema migrans) are standardly treated with antibiotics administered for 14-21 days. However, several european as well as american research articles describe that administration of a small dose of antibiotics... Více >

6.11.2018, 4 komentářs Lyme disease Disease Therapy
Treatment of Lyme disease

The most important thing for efficient treatment of Lyme disease is early administration of of effective antibiotics. Currently there are plenty of antimicrobial preparations, but most of them is not suitable for treatment of Lyme disease. Therefore... Více >

6.11.2018, 13 komentářs Lyme disease Disease Therapy
Advances in Lyme disease diagnosis

The Protean laboratory Protean has participated in the development of new diagnostic kits used for the detection of Lyme disease. The tests contain highly specific recombinant antigens isolated from Borrelia... Více >

23.5.2019, 0 komentářs Therapy Disease News Lyme disease

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