The following chart depicts the percentage of ticks carrying pathogens that cause infectious diseases in humans. Více >
27.2.2025, 0 komentářs Tick encephalitis News Occurrence of infected ticksThis inflammatory disease of the brain and meninges is caused by the Tick-born encephalitis virus (TBEV), a virus of the Flaviviridae family. Ticks get infected by the virus when sucking animal blood. Human infection is most often caused by... Více >
23.4.2019, 11 komentářs Tick encephalitis DiseaseVaccination against Tick encephalitis represents the most reliable way to prevent this infection and protect your health against this dangerous disease. Currently there are three vaccines available: Encepur, Encepur K, or FSME-Immun. Those are... Více >
9.11.2018, 51 komentářs Tick encephalitis Vaccination Precaution