The head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Dobré ráno" streaming on Czech television. Watch the interview here Více >
16.3.2018, 0 komentářs News Media Tick removalFind answers to hundreds of question about tick problematics. Více >
16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Tick removalHead of the laboratory, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, PhD, as a guest at the online server Více >
16.3.2018, 9 komentářs Media Tick removalThe head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Sama doma" streaming on Czech television. Více >
16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Tick removalGuest: Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, Ph.D. - Docor of Biology and Expert on Tick Infectivity Diagnostics from Protean s.r.o., and RNDr. Jan Votýpka from the Department of Parasitology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Více >
16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Tick removal MediaWatch TV Nova's report on tick infectivity testing at our laboratory. Více >
16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Tick removal